Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Cliquey Girls.

If there is one thing that annoys me most about teenage girls is the fact that they cannot seem to be nice to each other ever. Even girls who are friends fight and bicker and get upset about nothing. How can we expect guys to treat us well when we treat each other like crap. I mean really. We have to stop calling each other terrible names. It just makes it ok for guys to call us thouse names. It pisses me off that girls, even if they don't like each other, can't tolerate each other for short periods of time. I know that i don't really like other girls but im not mean and rude to them. Its silly how aweful we treat each other.

Plus, what is with the girls who don't even talk to someone who isn't in their "clique". You can speak to them. Their not invisible and they don't just dissapear if you don't talk to them. Imagine if you were all by yourself without any of your friends and a bunch of other girls were talking together. How does that make you feel? So take an extra second to be nice and say hi. You'll prolly make their day. I know it would make me happy if it happened to me. And it prolly would if it happened to you too.

Monday, November 16, 2009


I understand that people want to look good. I want to look good. I also understand that people have different tastes in clothing. But, I do not understand the girls who barley wear anything at all. It's not tasteful, its not attractive, nd its certainly not flatterning. It just makes you look like a slut. When the pockets on your skirt hang down lower than your skirt itself, I think the skirt is too short. An I totaly don't understand wearing skirts shorter than you fingertips. Do you want to flash everyone? Cause you are. When your wardrobe limits how you can move, its time to change it. If you can't squat with out fear then your in trouble.

I also will never understand belly shirts. The only women i ever see wearing them are women who should NEVER wear a tubetop. Women who are in good shape and it would be in their favor to show that area are smart enough to realize that its rather tasteless.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Omg. My Boyfriend...

Its the same thing. Over and over again. "I loooooove my boyfriend. He's so great." Boyfriend. boyfriend. boyfriend. blah blah blah. Its so dumb. These girls lives revolve around their relationship. Its pathetic. You'd think more women would see that it is important to be self-sufficient. I bet your "awesome" boyfriend isn't thinking about you at all. He prolly hasn't thought about you since the last time he saw you. Unless your boyfriend is one of the 10% of males who actually cares, then your in a relationship that is based on your delusions. And if you talk about him this much i doubt you got one of those in the 10%. Sorry to report ladies, but guys aren't as sweet as you think. Their pretty much only thinking about one thing. And it is not your "shinning" personality. Trust me. You annoy everyone else you boy-crazed girl. So i doubt if he loves that part of you too.

Friday, November 6, 2009


Why do teens start so many rumors? Today alone i bet I've heard like 5 that aren't even true! Why to people feel the need to lie about random stuff that doesn't even effect them. Its just ridiculous! Enough information is passed around that is sort of true, but why to we need inofmation that is not true at allllll.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

It's your job!

Picture this-
Your signing up for a new email address.
You fill in your name, your age and other information.
You get to a field where it asks you for an occupation.
You click on the scroll bar and roll down to STUDENT.

Hm. I wonder what that means...
It means that YOUR JOB is to be a student. So the next time you think about how you'd rather be doing something else remember this is your job. You may not be getting paid but, its still required that you show up. In the very near future you could have a sucky job you hate. (one you DO get paid for) You might not get paid well, or maybe your boss is mean. What ever it is you still have to go. Its the same deal with school. You HAVE to show up. There isn't another option. This is the one job you cannot quit.
So, even if you decide to fail in school the only one your hurting is you. Do you think your teacher really cares whether or not you fail? Some do care, but don't really have the time to do much about it. And many have learned that its almost useless to try and motivate a teen who is failing. Its also not really their problem if you fail because you don't do the work. And no matter what you say, they are definitely are not failing you on purpose. They may or may not like you but that has nothing to do with your grade. Its all about the work you do or don't do. The teacher cannot actually fail you if you do the work. Oh and by the way, if you fail too much you have to stay back. You have to stay at the school you hate for another year. Good work einstien.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Jeez. Just shut up already.

One thing I've noticed about my high school is that the students are extremely over-dramatic. "omg. I HATE this class"- Jeez its just a class. Its not gonna ruin your life. Wait a couple months and it will be over. And, if you actually TRY you might learn something... We interpret school as a curse. Something we just have to endure. Why? We have such and opportunity before us. A chance to change your life. If you get a good education you will go farther in life. Go ahead. Hate the institution. I'll see you flipping burgers in four years at McDonald's. Good luck. Meanwhile, I'm gonna try to make something out of myself and maybe fufill my dreams. Maybe i won't. But i'm gonna be closer than the school-hater.

"OMG. This is so stupid"- Who cares? Just do it! Your making this take longer by complaining. You have to do it. You don't have a choice. Wanna have a future? You probably want an A in this class then. If you don't care, then shut up and let the people who do care work in peace. If your not gonna do the assigment shut your yapper and let me do my work.

I may seem hipocritical because i have probably said these things before. But that doesn't matter. People should respect what others want to say and do and just leave it be. You may not care but the kid who just wants to get out of this town and make a life for him/herself does. So please fellow students. Have some self-control and just shut up.